We always wondered why we are not getting enough search traffic results from search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo, even though we have great unique quality contents in our blogs. Is there something we are missing even though we had quality content? Answer YES.
It's like if you are living in metroplitan city like Chennai or Bangalore, you won't share much of your information about you with your neighbourhoods. Then if someone tries to reach you for any reasons, at the time you won't available. Then that guy will search you by asking about you with your neighbourhoods. Finally that guy will end of with no information about you because you never told about you to your neighbourhoods.
Like that if we are never not told about the post you written, to Search engines like Google, Bingo or Yahoo using meta keywords, meta description and title tag. Then the search engines won't show content you are written in search results.
So we need to need tell explicitly about the post you written to search engines using meta keywords, meta description and title tag. Please follow this tutorial step by step to add unique meta description/keywords tags to each posts in blogger.
Now search for <title> tag and add the below code like that.
Or add add just above </head> tag.
While publishing every blog post, please carefully choose search keywords that matches your blogger post and add your search description in the search description text area.
Now your blog is SEO friendly and you clearly told about blog content to search engines. Sure you will get increased blogger traffic.
It's like if you are living in metroplitan city like Chennai or Bangalore, you won't share much of your information about you with your neighbourhoods. Then if someone tries to reach you for any reasons, at the time you won't available. Then that guy will search you by asking about you with your neighbourhoods. Finally that guy will end of with no information about you because you never told about you to your neighbourhoods.
Like that if we are never not told about the post you written, to Search engines like Google, Bingo or Yahoo using meta keywords, meta description and title tag. Then the search engines won't show content you are written in search results.
So we need to need tell explicitly about the post you written to search engines using meta keywords, meta description and title tag. Please follow this tutorial step by step to add unique meta description/keywords tags to each posts in blogger.
Login into Blogger Account :
Please login into your blogger account, and choose the blog you are going to add seo meta tags title description keywords to your blogger template. Now Click on Temaplate tab on the left side and click on Edit HTML.Now search for <title> tag and add the below code like that.
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='FOLLOW,INDEX' name='robots'/>
Or add add just above </head> tag.

Enable Search Description in Blogger Post:
Now click on the Settings Tab and select Search Preferences. Now enable search description, and enter the suitable keywords for your blogger.While publishing every blog post, please carefully choose search keywords that matches your blogger post and add your search description in the search description text area.
Now your blog is SEO friendly and you clearly told about blog content to search engines. Sure you will get increased blogger traffic.
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